
Wednesday 6 April 2016

Discovering La Spetzia......

Our next port of call was La Spetzia, Italy.

La Spetzia is a port city, considered by tourists to be simply a "gateway to the CINQUE TERRE" and we would have been quite happy to have been the typical tourist. Unfortunately for us, the boats weren't operating the tours when we arrived. Apparently, the seas are too rough in the winter. 

We could have taken a coach trip but they say the villages are best viewed from the sea. It has been noted for another trip in the warmer months. 

We walked along the sea promenade and was surprised to be greeted by a lovely panorama of the entire bay, framed by the Apuan Alps

We explored the shopping area and marketplace. Ant was especially pleased to find a pedestrian only area. That made walking around so much easier.

The Fish Seller 
The Fish Seller took our photo behind the counter

Steps to San Giorgio Castle 

Worth the climb to see this view of La Spetzia, the Bay and the mountains 

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