
Monday 6 June 2016

Heading south for sunnier skies....

We left Blot L'Elise Camping early on Thursday 2nd June 2016 in the rain and headed south on the A75 turning off for Rodez on junction 44.1. Followed the D911 and turned off onto the D993 just before Pont-de-Salar.This road took us to Salles-Curan and our next campsite Les Genets.        

We chose a cracking pitch, with great views over Lac de Pareloup and it's warm and sunny!


                                                                                          The view from our Adria window.

We're down at Lake Pareloup, unfortunately for us our stay here clashes with a caravan club outing from England, just the sort of thing we try to avoid. It first dawned on us as we arrived, what seemed like a disgruntled customer gabbling away in French suddenly asked us if we were caravan club and then to top it all started to tell the French owners where we could pitch.... What a liberty. 

Luckily for us we were taken and shown a choice of very nice pitches away from the hoards etc.etc. etc. Anyway, turned out the disgruntled .... lady was one of the tour organisers. Frau Flick I think her name was.. Well what a busy body, someone had the nerve to turn up and pitch next to them. Out she came clipboard in hand to remonstrate. That's not one of our numbers. A sort of temporary peace broke out when the people said they would be gone in two days. Anyway much fussing and mother Henning ensued over the weekend with new arrivals being treated to an audience with Frau Flick. We've settled down with the Germans and Dutch. European harmony at last.. 

Lac de Pareloup

The Caravan Club Tour have turned up, each identically pitched... in the typical Caravan Club Style....

                                            Evening stroll along the banks of the lake.

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