
Wednesday 29 June 2016

Ride along the Dordogne River...

Monday 20th June 2016 

We've be checking the weather over the last few days and Monday has been showing no rain. Looks like they got it right, sunshine today. Forecast tomorrow showing much hotter... decided to get the bikes out today and a packed lunch in the pannier, we took off. 

Great ride to Souillac, about 8 km mostly downhill or level... From Souillac we cycled most of the way along a cycle path running very near to the Dordogne river to Roufillac. At Carlux we passed an old station and realised we must be cycling on the old railway cutting.

Looking across at the arches of the viaduct in Souillac

Arches of the viaduct at Souillac 

After crossing the river at Roufillac, we followed a country lane back along the river to Souillac, passing some lovely villages and cycling through a walnut plantation.

Stopped to picnic overlooking the Dordogne River

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