
Monday 6 June 2016

Exploring Aveyron......

Castle in Salles-Curan 

We cycled to Salles-Curan and discovered a number of properties for sale... including a castle, built in the fifteenth century as a summer residence for the Bishop of Rodez.

We took a drive into Rodez, the main city in this area. The City Centre, the original ancient city, can be found at the top of a hill dominated by the cathedral. Within the old city walls are narrow pedestrian-only cobbled alleys, lined with interesting shops and cafes, which led to a main square filled with market stalls selling fresh vegetables and fruit, bustling with people. 
The Cathedral Notre-Dame in Rodez 

Inside the Cathedral

a view from the old city looking at the surrounding slopes of the city.

We were following the road to Conques, apparently, the most beautiful medieval town in Aveyron, and on the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela, when we came across a beautiful village instead, called Salle de Source.

What was interesting about the village and made us stop to look around, was this amazing waterfall that seemed to be coming from under a building built in the rock. 

Ant taking a pic, which shows the full power and size of the waterfall

making a dash for it 

Vines growing alongside the steps up to the waterfall

Local village picnic

and the school 

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