
Sunday 29 May 2016

Finally moving onto Nevers....

Thursday morning 26th May 2016, we were hitched up by 11.15am and went on our way via Blois and passing Cheverny, (one of our previous stopovers).  At Vierzon hopped on the A20 briefly and then onto the toll motorway to Bourges.

A sigh of relief when the barrier lifted at the toll! Ant had organised with Sanef Tolling to provide us with a tag for automatic payment of toll road charges in France and it worked... (We had been concerned about placement of the tag as the Volvo has City Safety Sensors covering the usual tag area).

We topped up with fuel after passing Bourges and arrived at Nevers about 3pm. Set up and had evening meal, cooked outside.

We passed the time of day with our neighbours, Tony and his wife who were from Cheshire and were acting as a support team to their friend who was riding from the Olympic stadium in Athens to the Olympic stadium in London.  In his late seventies, a splendid effort and he had many tales to tell including riding a short way on a motorway and being chastised by the Italian police.... not for speeding I may add.

Crossing the River Loire to Nevers
The caravan site at Nevers. Our Adria is 2nd unit from the right

Next morning we had breakfast and set off for a ride, just a leisurely few hours. Back to site via Intermarche with food and a bottle of wine.

The Canal Lateral a la Loire 

The route took us through Gimouille

The Mayors Office 

Had tremendous thunderstorm overnight but we like a slow start to the day and by the time we were off the weather had cleared. Another fantastic day and ride. Also via Intermarche for a few beers. Back and made prep for leaving in the morning. Just made it before another thunderstorm and rain hit us. Still very warm though.

Along the canal again, also known as part of the Atlantic-Black Sea Cycle Route

Traditional Loire boats moored 

The River Loir 

Taking a breather 

One of the Double Locks at Le Guetin 

The lock keeper had lowered a hook to pull up Varlyon's bowline to secure the boat  
Next followed a fountain of water gushing from the lock gate

This pic tries to show the two water levels of the canal
Stone aqueduct over the River Allier 370 metres long and one of the longest aqueducts in France

The Varlyon, from Goole flying a Union Jack, steers cautiously along the aqueduct.

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