
Thursday 7 April 2016

Our drive across Spain....

7/8th February 2016 

Our last port of call before disembarking was Marseille. We woke to a very dull day and torrents of rain. We had hoped the rain would subside, but it didn't so we stayed onboard and had a few more cocktails!

The next morning we disembarked at Barcelona and took a taxi to Grums Hotel to pick up our car. Everything went quite smoothly, and we began our journey across Spain. Unfortunately I had picked up the ship's cough, and wasn't at my best. I was on map reading and toll duty and Ant drove. 

We covered about 730 km that day, the weather and the roads were good. The landscape was mile upon mile of mostly cultivated dry farmland through Catalonia and Aragon and then rocky high plains through Castille la Mancha and much the same into Madrid district and Castile and Leon district. In central Spain it was much colder, snow lying on the hilltops.  

The Osborne Bull 

Throughout the long journey we would periodically see a black silhouette of a bull standing on the hilltops. It became a comfort to us looking out for the enormous black bull watching over us on the Spanish roads. 

We stopped off and stayed overnight in  Avila. 

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